Week 3 here in the CCM. Things have been getting pretty routine here. I bet you guys don’t even feel like I'm gone. I forgot to ask why Mom didn't write last week except for 2 forwarded letters. Whelp whatever. The computers weren't working so I’ll prob sent out my letter in two parts. We have lunch and then we are going to the central market it’s going to be sweet I hope. This morning we did a temple session in the Guatemala City temple it was way cool. We did it in English and like 2 ladies had translators. It’s pretty quiet here cause all of the Hispanic Elders have left for their missions there is 2 American districts here and we have all been doing different stuff together for today. During sports we started playing volleyball after the Latinos leave cause we have sports 30 min after cause it overlaps and now in order to get ripped our mission president is ripped and does these work out videos so me and another Elder are going to do them cause he told us to start to jaja. We going to get super ripped. After though we play volleyball with our district and its way fun. I forgot to tell you the first week here they gave us all haircuts so now my hair is super short but it’s starting to grow back to normal but its makes my head look all round jaja. I also forgot to make sure you guys tell Jackson happy birthday for me. I wish i had addresses so I could write letters but i guess not. I bought some colored pencils at the store but I still have to wear my glasses and shave without a handle but I’ve learned to live with it. What does the mission book in my room say about contacts because people coming to Guatemala said not to use them but I don’t remember that. I haven't seen anyone else wearing contacts. So I’m a lot better now. The nurse gave me a traveler’s diarrhea pill. And now I’m a lot better although someday the food in the cafe in gross and sometimes its good. In church they always make me play the piano and don’t let me choose the song I guess it’s just a Latin thing they want to do whatever they want idk. Plus its super hard cause if you lose your place you don’t know where you’re at. Cause it’s all in Spanish. I wish I had stellar piano skills but i don’t and the Latinos don’t like some of the American favorites but whatever I do the best I can. The other day i had to get a tetanus and a typhoid shot. i guess we messed up idk. one missionary in our district told us this funny story about how when his Dad was on a mission they taught a lesson and he had one job to do that was to read 1 Nephi 3:7 he said his Dad accidently read 3 Nephi 3:7 and I’ll let you guys read that one ha its pretty funny though. But things are going really great here. I’m starting to understand what it really means to study before the mission i would just read to learn and stuff but as a missionary there is so much to study and look up because you have so many resources and so much they you want to study and learn but you don’t have enough time. We also have been improving our teaching skills our last lesson went super Good lessons should be way more personal and the only way to do that is through asking inspired questions. You start to realize people that are so ready for the Gospel when you teach and know what they need and how you could teach them like the lady at the food pantry. Anyways I don’t think I’ll be writing later so I won’t see your emails if there is any :( so I better hear double. ha-ha
Elder Hendricks
P.S. someone should tell Elder Anderson that the chocolate milk here is gross
P.S.S They took our cameras and MP3s when we got here but ill have the camera at the central market today so hopefully I’ll have some sweet pic next week